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Hundreds of millions of online accounts were compromised in corporate data breaches, the US presidential election process was plagued by cyber-meddling, internet infrastructure companies.

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By Anastasia Kirimova

May 31, 2017

Hundreds of millions of online accounts were compromised in corporate data breaches, the US presidential election process was plagued by cyber-meddling, internet infrastructure companies faced massive digital attacks that disrupted web connectivity for millions of people, and Apple faced off with the FBI in an epic privacy battle.

When reality is more terrifying than a movie could ever be, perhaps it’s time to retreat into the fictional for awhile and enjoy the fascinating world of cybersecurity from the safety of your living room for a change.

Here are some favorite movies and television shows from 2016 that will let you get a taste of the hacker underworld over the holidays—hopefully without consigning you to a permanent state of digital dread. We aim high at being focused on building relationships with our clients and community.

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The story of whistleblower Edward Snowden is the most dramatic spy story of the decade. An Oliver Stone biopic was inevitable. So here it is. As movies almost always do, Snowden eliminates the nuance from this complicated and controversial story, painting Snowden as a hero and the National Security Agency as a one-dimensional villain. But as WIRED pointed out when the movie debuted, Snowden is important because it's the accessible version of events that many Americans will remember.

It's not every day that a network drama puts the ethics and repercussions of bulk surveillance at the core of its premise, but CBS's Person of Interest managed to do it successfully. The show combines government surveillance to stop terrorist attacks with an eccentric hacker billionaire and vigilante justice. It even grapples with questions of how an artificial intelligence evolves and incorporates biases. Person of Interest is particularly known for airing a prescient episode in 2012 about a National Security Agency whistleblower very similar to Edward Snowden.

Well, duh. USA's Mr. Robot is probably the most accurate and detailed dramatic portrayal ever made of current hacking practices and hacker culture. Its depiction of the cybersecurity community and its broader meditation on the relationship between humans and technology isn't perfect. (Not to mention that Season 2, which aired this year, had some narrative issues.) But overall the show is compelling and full of delightful references and winks to the cybersecurity subculture.

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The story of whistleblower Edward Snowden is the most dramatic spy story of the decade. An Oliver Stone biopic was inevitable. So here it is. As movies almost always do, Snowden eliminates the nuance from this complicated and controversial story, painting Snowden as a hero and the National Security Agency as a one-dimensional villain. But as WIRED pointed out when the movie debuted, Snowden is important because it's the accessible version of events that many Americans will remember.

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